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Thinking about stone?
You’re in the right place.

You’ve got choices… and they’re all good. Sunset Stone not only offers you a wide range of manufactured stone profiles and colors, but also the real thing: natural stone. Whether you’re looking to add warmth and drama to a backsplash or fireplace, or surround and create an entire façade, let Sunset be your starting point.

Before & After Color Inspiration Blended Stone About Grout

Residential Lookbook

get inspired dry stack ledge outside patio

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get inspired sweetwater natural stone close up

Before and After

Experience the transformative power of stone … ho-hum spaces become showstoppers and forgettable structures become the kind that stop you in your tracks. And, if you’re still on the fence about the look of stone, a touch of Sunset might do wonders.

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Color Inspiration

Mother Nature has a powerful pallet ... and we tap into it with every product we produce. Discover how Sunset Stone opens the door to a wide range of complementary tones for paint, stains, and textiles. But there’s no need to feel confined by these suggestions. They’re here only to get you dreaming about what you can do with the look of stone and a little of the magic of Sunset.

ash cobble close up

Mix it up

Looking to create a one-of-kind look to call your own? With a little imagination and the talents of seasoned mason, you can mix just about any two Sunset Stone products. Note: Products will arrive packed separately, not mixed.

Think About Grout

Even after you’ve chosen a stone profile and a stone color, you might have one more aspect to consider: grout. Two factors that have a huge impact on your project are the color and thickness of the grout.

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A color choice that has high contrast from your stone color will highlight individual stones and add drama and visual interest. A grout that closely matches the stone color will create a more cohesive look that feels harmonious with the surroundings.